Houses Still Available for £50,000 in the UK…Really!
While real estate prices are definitely skyrocketing in the UK, there are still some places where you can get a property that doesn’t completely break the bank. In a recent article on the Daily News, they featured five properties in […]
Mortgage Price War Takes Off
If you can afford to do so – now may be the time to lock in a great mortgage rate. A mortgage price war has just started in the UK, with rates hitting record lows. This is being done as […]
Retirees Strapped with Mortgage Payments
In a new twist for the UK, over 25% of those who are looking to purchase their first homes are in their 40s. This is creating a situation where buyers are either being forced to pay off their mortgages with […]
Goodbye Parenthood…Hello Home Ownership
If you’re a young couple starting out in England, or a single person with a dream of owning your own home – you might need to think again. That’s because research has recently dhown that two in three people have […]
Weighing In On Strawberry Purchases
Next time you walk into the Asda grocery store, be prepared to have a choice about your strawberries. Do you prefer to have them weighed in imperial weight labels or in metric labels? How Would You Like Those Strawberries? For […]
Second Home Thoughts Vanishing for Brits
While we might not feel badly for those second-home owners who are having issues in the UK, there certainly are a lot of them. More than 300,000 second-home owners who have euro-denominated mortgages are feeling the crunch. The first interest […]
Squatting Is the New Rage in the UK
If you’re interested in being a squatter in the UK, you may just have found a great field. Homeowners in the UK have found themselves highly frustrated lately because of a legal loophole that forces property owners to get a […]